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IV Conscious Sedation Dentistry


Sedation dentistry in Trussville Alabama

Break up with dental anxiety.

Sedation dentistry is a moderate level of sedation that provides patients with a more comfortable and stress-free experience during dental procedures. Many patients experience issues like dental anxiety or an overly sensitive gag reflex when they undergo any form of dentistry. Be it a quick dental checkup, removing a tooth, or even cleaning teeth, some patients can find the experience to be incredibly uncomfortable.

If you’re someone that experiences anxiety or other discomforts during a dental procedure, then sedation dentistry could be the ideal solution for you.

Who is sedation dentistry for?

If you or a loved one experiences any of the issues above, then you may find sedation dentistry to be a great way to feel more comfortable during your dental procedure. People of all ages can request sedation dentistry, but it’s most commonly used among patients who experience the following:

  • Anxiety when visiting the dentist

  • Have a fear of visiting a dental office in general

  • Possess an overly sensitive gag reflex which becomes a problem during procedures

  • Has a fear of needles that are used to numb certain parts of the mouth

  • Have teeth that are extremely sensitive

  • Feel claustrophobic in the dental chair

  • Tend to move around a lot in the dental chair

  • Have decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia

  • Patients who require extensive dental treatment, or unpleasant procedures. 

Types of sedation in dentistry:

pain free dentist

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, the patient inhales nitrous oxide through a mask or nosepiece. This triggers calming effects in under five minutes, and the amount of sedation will be controlled by the dentist to ensure your comfort and safety. Once you have been sedated, your dentist will perform the procedure. Once finished, they will “flush” your system with pure oxygen to get the nitrous oxide out of your system. After the procedure, you’ll be able to drive home without issue.

IV Sedation Dentistry Birmingham AL

Intravenous (IV) sedation

This is the deepest level of sedation that is delivered into your bloodstream using an IV line. During the procedure, your dentist will closely monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels to control the dose at any point. People that choose this option will sometimes be asleep during the procedure and have very little to no memory of their treatment. This method best for those with severe dental anxiety, or those who will be going through a lengthy treatment.

sedation options like medication and nitrous oxide

Our training:

Dr. Latimer has taken hundreds of hours of coursework in sedation over the past 10 years, and has done over 350 sedations for all types of dental work. Fully credentialed and inspected by the Alabama State Dental Board, Dr. Latimer is 1 of as few as 5 general dentists providing IV sedation in the state of Alabama.
If you’re interested in sedation dentistry during your procedure, then don’t hesitate to contact us today for more information.

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